【記者 彭可/臺北報導】即將於2024年5月3日至6日在香港舉行的《聚焦新時代、展現新徵程 – 國際書畫薈萃大匯展》。

這場由香港國際藝術家聯盟總會主辦的《聚焦新時代、展現新征程 — 國際書畫薈萃大匯展》將於2024年5月3日至6日假香港銅鑼灣高士威道66號香港中央圖書館地下1-5號展覽館舉行,展出接近300位來自國內、港澳台、馬來西亞、美國、新西蘭、比利時、柬埔寨等地之藝術家的作品,當中包括香港當代水墨羽毛藝術家董慧,歡迎各界人士蒞臨參觀指導。


Organised by the Hong Kong International Federation of Artists, “Envisioning New Journey in the New Era International Painting and Calligraphy Gathering Exhibition” will be held 3rd to 6th May 2024 at Exhibition Gallery 1-5, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. The exhibition will showcase works of nearly 300 artists from China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Malaysia, the U.S., New Zealand, Belgium, and Cambodia, including Hong Kong contemporary ink feather artist Christina Tung Wai. Mark your calendar now. Be sure to visit us and enjoy a feast for the eyes.
Taiwan Art Dreamers Cultural and Creative Association is the co-organizer. The founding chairman Li Zhenghui serves as the group leader, and the current chairman Li Huang Tingting serves as the deputy group leader in this activity. There are more than 40 Taiwanese representatives participating in this Hong Kong International Art Exchange, making it the largest overseas group. In addition to participating the Exhibition, the organizer also arranges group travel activities.
《聚焦新時代、展現新征程 — 國際書畫薈萃大匯展》
“Envisioning New Journey in the New Era International Painting and Calligraphy Gathering Exhibition”
地點 Venue:
Exhibition Gallery 1-5, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library, 66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony:
2024年.05月.03日- pm16:30
展覽日期及開放時間 Exhibition Period & Opening Hours:
2024年.05月.03日-PM15:00 – PM19:00
2024年.05月.04~05日-AM10:00 – PM19:00
2024年.05月.06日-AM10:00 -PM 18:00
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報新聞原始網址:聚焦新時代 展現新徵程 國際書畫薈萃 匯聚藝術精粹