[Cipriani Hong Kong 斯比安利 ] 



“There is soul, and there are things.” by Arrigo Cipriani

「12:30 義大利餐廳!」


一樓電梯口的立牌寫著:「會員專用」(For Members Only),所幸先換上長褲及襯衫,不禁感嘆:短暫停留香港一晚意外的插曲!

根據2013年11月17日的Reporter Gourmet 新聞報導,Cipriani被視為義大利最受歡迎的餐廳!而這個會員專屬的義大利餐廳,北美8家分店有4家在紐約,歐洲7家,中東地區9家幾乎都在阿拉伯地區,亞洲唯一一家就在香港。

“There is soul, and there are things.

Imagine a world made up only of objects, A world of idle tools,
A restaurant of nothing but tables and chairs, A large empty theater, or a deserted plaza in summer.

They cry out for the service of man, The service to give them life.

We call on man to display his splendid capabilities. And We observe with undivided attention, Because The little nuances in the quality of his service Give a flawless measure of his mind, They tell us frankly what his soul is worth, Because, To serve is first to love.”
– by Arrigo Cipriani

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